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Frequently Asked Questions about Retailer Identification Number

Retailer Identification Number

Q. Do I need to register for a Retailer Identification Number?

A. Yes, you need to register for a Retailer Identification Number if your business retails tobacco, non-tobacco smoking products and/or e-cigarettes in NSW. This includes if:

  • You sell tobacco, non-tobacco smoking products, e-cigarettes or e-cigarette accessories in a retail store located in NSW,
  • Your business is a NSW liquor licensed premises selling over the counter or with a tobacco or and/or e-cigarette vending machine (whether you are the owner of the vending machine or not), or
  • Your business supplies tobacco and/or e-cigarette vending machines to NSW liquor licensed premises.

Wholesalers in NSW do not need to register. However, they must check that a retailer have a valid Retailer Identification Number before selling tobacco or e-cigarette products to the business. Click here to search the RIN Public Register.

Q. I have a Tobacco Retailer Notification (TRN) number. Do I need to make a new registration for a Retailer Identification Number (RIN)?

A. From 1 July 2018, the name of the registration system has changed from Tobacco Retailer Notification (TRN) number to Retailer Identification Number (RIN) because it now includes e-cigarette retailers as well as tobacco retailers.

If you registered before July 2018 for a TRN number, you do not need to make a new registration. It is still valid and will be recognised or accepted as a RIN. You just need to make sure you notify NSW Health if any of your stores sell e-cigarettes or e-cigarette accessories. You can update your registration online by clicking here.

Q. How do I register for a Retailer Identification Number?

A. Registrations must be made online. Click here to register for a new number.

Once you have successfully completed this process you will receive a confirmation (on screen and by email) that you have notified the NSW Ministry of Health of your tobacco, non-tobacco smoking and/or e-cigarette retailing activities.

You will be given a Retailer Identification Number (RIN) for your business and information on how to update your business or contact details if they change.

Q. What do I need to register for a Retailer Identification Number (RIN)?

A. To register for a Retailer Identification Number, you need the following details:

  • A registered Australian Business Number (ABN) or the Australian Company Number (ACN) if the business is incorporated
  • Address of the company linked to the ABN/ACN
  • Address(es) of all the trading premises listed under the company that are selling tobacco, non-tobacco smoking products and/or e-cigarettes
  • The full name, date of birth, phone number and address of the director(s) and/or business owner(s)
  • At least one person assigned to be a contact person who will have the authority to login and make updates to the RIN. A contact person can be the owner, director or someone else in the business, such as the manager, administration officer or a compliance officer. They must have an email address.

Q. Do I have to make a separate registration for each tobacco or e-cigarette retail premises within my business?

A. All the retailing premises within a business should be included under a single registration. The online system allows users to add the details of multiple premises under a single registration. As a general guide, if more than one premise operates under the same ABN or ACN, you need to complete one registration and add each premises under that ABN or ACN.

Q. Why do I need to notify the NSW Ministry of Health that I am a tobacco or e-cigarette retailer?

A. The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 (“the Act”) requires retailers to notify the NSW Ministry of Health before commencing tobacco, non-tobacco smoking products or e-cigarette retailing in NSW.

The purpose is to inform the NSW Ministry of Health about the number and location of retailers to support the enforcement of the retailing requirements under the Act. By completing the notification process and keeping your details up to date, you will meet the requirements of section 39 of the Act.

Q. What happens if I don’t notify the NSW Ministry of Health that I am a tobacco or e-cigarette retailer?

A. To ensure businesses’ compliance with the requirements of the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008, NSW Health Officers will be inspecting the premises of tobacco and e-cigarette retailers. Businesses found to be engaging in tobacco or e-cigarette retailing without notifying the NSW Ministry of Health will be liable to a penalty.

Q. Is there a fee to make a notification / register for a Retailer Identification Number (RIN)?

A. No. Notifications are free of charge to tobacco and e-cigarette retailers.

Q. Do I need to renew my notification / Retailer Identification Number (RIN)?

Where any of the details relating to your business change, the law requires you to update the information within 28 days. Click here to log in to your online account and make updates to your notification / RIN.

Q. What do I need to do if my business details change?

A. Where any of the details relating to your business change, you need to update the notification. Click here to log in to your online account and make updates to your RIN.

The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 (“the Act”) requires tobacco and e-cigarette retailers to notify the NSW Ministry of Health, within 28 days of a change to the:

  • business address;
  • address of the premises where retailing takes place;
  • name or address of any owner or director of the retailing business; or
  • ownership of the retailing business.

At any time, a change in ownership of a tobacco or e-cigarette retailing business will require a new notification to be made online (see the next Question on change of ownership).

Q. What happens if there’s a change in ownership in my business?

A. The Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 (“the Act”) requires tobacco and e-cigarette retailers to notify the NSW Ministry of Health, within 28 days of a change to the ownership of the retailing business.

The previous owner needs to cancel the Retailer Identification Number (RIN) registered for the business that has changed ownership.

The new owner will need to make a new notification. This includes all the premises which have transferred to the new business. The new business will receive a new Retailer Identification Number (RIN) which will replace the previous RIN for that business.

Q. Do liquor licensed premises which sell tobacco over the counter and have a vending machine on the premises need to notify the NSW Ministry of Health of both forms of selling?

A. Yes. The online system allows users with licensed premises as their business type to select options which show that they are an over the counter tobacco retailer, and/or that there is a vending machine located on their premises.

For more information on the requirements for tobacco retailers see

For more information on the requirements for e-cigarette retailers see